Welcome to Adddo

Level up your marketing projects with client focused project management

Add & Do

About Us

We have worked with many marketing agencies who are still sending important files and updates via email, this has led to miscommunication a number of times, so we set out to change that.

With Adddo, it's so much easier to share a link to your client so they can provide feedback in one place, rather then spread out across several emails to several people.

Clear, Professional and easy

When working with multiple clients, it's so easy for communication to get lost amongst long email threads.

Clear communication is paramount

Managing clients with multiple members gets confusing to everyone, more so when everyone has feedback

It isn't professional

Providing feedback is made more difficult if everyone isn't on the same page (or email thread)

It isn't easier

Multiple email threads with important information, lost if someone doesn't reply all?

With clients often spending large sums of money for your services, you owe it to them to make it as easy as possible.

Clean, responsive design gives you the professional edge

Adddo is designed to be easy to use, clean and responsive so your client has the best experience working with you.

Traceability built in

View your clients feedback, no matter who commented, where or when.

Team management

Add your designers, SEO masters and your clients team too

Made for everyone, Adddo is built with ease of use in mind

No need for training

Start your first project in seconds and invite your client in minutes. it's that easy

Freelancers & Professionals

Don't waste time having to train your team on how to use Adddo, its self-explanatory and packed with helpful aids


Adddo is a powerful tool, packed with features to make your job easier, and your clients time with you, better, meaning they will come back

Powerful AI Driven social media marketing tools

We have worked with AI specialists to create a marketing tool like no other, Let Adddo build your perfect social media marketing strategy for your client, with a clear plan of objectives and post content provided to you.

Join for free

Level up your client relations

Frustration and miscommunication is a huge turn-off for clients, With Adddo they can give direct feedback on what matters to them so you can deliver their project perfectly on the first try, rather than the third.

  • Itemised revisions per item in your project.
  • Simple but powerful communication tools built in to every aspect.
  • Full traceability for your records as well as your clients, track back changes to help manage expectations.
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Get Started

Join Adddo and try out our extensive range of features for 14 days for free.

  • Join for free
  • Instant access to all of our features
  • Invite your team and clients from day one

We are so sure you will love working with Adddo and building in to your workflow, we give you an unlimited free trial for 14 days so you can try everything. if it doesn't work for you then let us know and we can work with you to improve Adddo so it does.

Create a project

Projects are the cornerstone of Adddo, everything happens within a project. A single point of truth for you and your client.

An Adddo project is point of entry for all your clients work, neatly organised in one place versus spread out over email, cloud storage and phone calls.

  • Create unlimited projects
  • Each project is a self-contained area on Adddo so your team can stay focused on one task at a time.
  • Projects can be a simple text change, or complete marketing plan for your client.
  • Clients are invited to approve & amend and tasks you are ready to share with them.

Create a task

A task within the project is a single part fo the project, it could be website content, social media posts, a website design or something else, we have templates for common tasks which allow for different feedback and editing.

  • Break down yoour project into tasks that need client feedback.
  • Invite your client to view, amend and approve the task, they will only see the tasks you allow them too.
  • recieve feedback, create a new version and repeat the cycle, knowing you have full traceability from version 1 to 100.

Its more than just helping clients, its helping you to manage your clients needs and expectations.

Ask for feedback

Clients enjoy having a say in what is happening, whther its the project manager or designer, Adddo lets everyone provide feedback so you know what to do next.

Its easier to have feedback in one place that can be accessed anytime than schedule meetings, phone calls or send emails.

  • Send links to your clients team, so they can provide feedback.
  • Feedback can be acted on by you and your team
  • With a range of emoticons, you can see which comments the team like the most to help guide your decision-making.


The feedback loop can be a long one and its easy for informaton to get lost, with Addo, each iteration is its own version with history, so you are always working from the same version.

The feedback loop is the most important part of working with clients, knowing what to do and what they want is critically important to project completion.

  • Create versions from existing content and send for approval
  • Step through version history so you can view previous comments
  • Links to the task are updated automatically so everyone will see the latest version only.


Once the task is approved by your client, you can then manage the task through to completion by assigning your team or your clients team to the task and let them provide feedback as needed.

Whether you have an in house team or your clients are using their own, assigning the task to that person allows for delegating and managing so you can see exactly what is holding you up.

  • Client approves the task after feedback.
  • You assign a team member to that task and they are notified.
  • That person can then add feedback and mark the task as completed or request amendments.

Our Features

Team management

From your team of professionals to your clients, Adddo caters for everyone.

Clear communication

Across the entire project, it's easy to know what everyone is thinking.

Image Gallery

Save time hunting for royalty free images, we have unsplash built in for quick and easy access.

Delegate tasks

Tag your team, and your clients in tasks they need to do.

Feedback & iterations

With automatic revisions and tracking, you can view the journey of a task at anytime.

Social media strategy

Let Adddo create your social media strategy to help you quickly & easily start growing your clients brand.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson


Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon


Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

John Larson


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

Our Pricing

Cost effective pricing for freelance marketing professionals to agencies

Free Plan

14 days free

  • Unlimited projects
  • Client team management
  • User team management
  • Social media strategy builder
  • Access to all of our features

Agency Plan

£35 / month

Annual plan that saves you money

  • Unlimited projects
  • Client team management
  • User team management
  • Social media strategy builder
  • Access to all of our features

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope to answer any questions you may have below, but if you need more information then please get in touch

No, no payment details are needed when you join Adddo, you get 14 days to try us out because we are confident you will love using Adddo.

No, We send clients a unique URL for them to visit, this ensures your clients always have the latest version of the task, and they don't need to register on Adddo.

That's fine, you can add as many team members as you need to.

Of course, simply get in touch, and we will be happy to walk you through all of Adddos features.

No, you can cancel and restart your subscription as many times as you need. your projects and data will remain until you delete your account.